''' Copyright (c) 2020 by Xinfei Huang, Brandeis University v1.0.1 Python 3 is the minimum requirement. If the library "matplotlib" has not been installed, please go to "https://matplotlib.org/users/installing.html" for installation instructions. This script numerically simulates the circuit [ input - R1 - L - (C/R2) - 0V ], where (C/R) means that R and C are in parallel. This circuit transform sharp pulses at the input into wider pulses at the output between L and (C/R). More details on the circuit at "http://www.bndhep.net/Lab/Filter/Filter.html#Pulse%20Shapers". To use, create a txt file named "input.txt" under the same directory, an example of which is given below. Type in the desired sets of values for L and C in input.txt at indicated locations. The script will go through all combinations of L and C and generate a plot of shaped pulse for each combination. The script will generate a directory 'plots', and then store all the plots there. Below is an example of an "input.txt" file. Please copy everything inside "#" and paste into an empty "input.txt" file as a template. "input.txt" should be under the same directory as this script. ########## Note: This txt file will be read when shaper_sim.py is executed. The script read off parameters from this file. Note: Use single space to separate values. L (uH): .1 1 3.3 4.7 6.8 10 27 C (nF): .0033 .015 .033 .047 .1 .27 1 input pulse duration (ns): 15 R1 (Ohm): 50 R2 (Ohm): 50 ########## Theory: Let input to be X, output Y. The differential equation governing the output is: { d2Y/dt2 + ( R/L + 1/RC )*dY/dt + (2Y-X)/LC = 0 } A second order differential equation is equivalent to two first order differential equations. Use the approximation of {dy/dt = ( y(t+dt) - y(t) )/dt } to numerically solve the ODE. The second order ODE system that will be numerically evaluated is: { dY/dt = Z } { dZ/dt = -( R/L + 1/RC )*Z - (2Y-X)/LC } Some default parameters: dt = 0.1 ns pulse_height = 100 mV pulse_start: t = 10 ns ''' def main(): print( '\nCopyright (c) 2020 by Xinfei Huang, Brandeis University' ) import os # check cwd cwd = os.getcwd() script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) if script_dir != cwd: print( '\nError: Please change the current working directory to the \ directory this script is in. ' ) return None new_folder = 'plots' # name of new folder for plots newdir = cwd + '\\' + new_folder if new_folder in os.listdir( cwd ): print( '\nError: The folder "plots" already exists. Please move, delete or \ rename the directory "plots" before running again. ' ) return None # parameters (SI units) dt = 1e-10 # time step of numerical simulation t_max = 2e-6 # maximum time p_start = 1e-8 # the time when the pulse starts p_amp = .1 # the amplitude of the pulse # read input.txt and extract lists of L and C and other parameters if 'input.txt' not in os.listdir(): # error of no input.txt print( '\nError: No file named "input.txt" detected. Please refer to the comments \ in the source code to create one before running again. ' ) return None f_input = open( 'input.txt', 'r' ) s_input = [ ele.split() for ele in f_input.readlines() if ele != '\n' ] f_input.close() L_list = [] C_list = [] p_duration = None R1 = None R2 = None try: for line in s_input: if line[0] == 'L(uH):': L_list = [ float(ele) for ele in line[2:] ] elif line[0] == 'C(nF):': C_list = [ float(ele) for ele in line[2:] ] elif line[0] == 'input': p_duration = 1e-9 * float( line[4] ) elif line[0] == 'R1': R1 = float( line[2] ) elif line[0] == 'R2': R2 = float( line[2] ) except Exception: print( '\nError: "input.txt" has empty or invalid parameter(s). ' ) return None if len(L_list)*len(C_list) == 0: print( '\nError: "input.txt" has empty list of L or C. ' ) return None if p_duration==None or R1==None or R2==None: print( '\nError: Necessary parameter(s) undefined. ' ) return None print( '\nFinished reading "input.txt". ' ) # convert L and C to [H] and [F] L_list = [ ele*1e-6 for ele in L_list ] C_list = [ ele*1e-9 for ele in C_list ] # time list t_list = [ ele*dt for ele in range( int(t_max/dt) ) ] # input pulse list x_list = [ 0 for ele in t_list ] if 1: # square pulse for i in range( int(p_start/dt), int( (p_start+p_duration)/dt ) ): x_list[i] = p_amp if 0: # step for i in range( int(p_start/dt), len(x_list) ): x_list[i] = p_amp # change directory to 'plots' folder os.mkdir( newdir ) os.chdir( newdir ) print( '\nThe "plots" folder is created. Calculation and plotting are started. ' ) # go through combination of LC for L in L_list: for C in C_list: # output pulse # RLC is a custom function y_list = RLC( R1, R2, L, C, x_list, t_list ) # generate plot # plot is a custom function plot( y_list, t_list, dt, L, C, p_amp, p_duration ) # change directory back os.chdir( cwd ) print( '\nEnd of script. ' ) return None def fwhh( y_list ): ''' calculate FWHH unit being index ''' # calculate half height y_max = max(y_list) hh = .5 * y_max # go through y_list and find the index where it cross half height # indeces stored in inte inte = [] for i in range(1,len(y_list)): if (y_list[i]-hh) * (y_list[i-1]-hh) < 0: inte.append(i) elif (y_list[i]-hh) == 0: inte.append(i) # return index difference if only two interceptions occured # return 0 otherwise if len(inte) == 2: return inte[1] - inte[0] else: return 0 def RLC( R1, R2, L, C, x_list, t_list ): ''' given input pulse and parameters, numerically calculate output of a RLC pulse shaper ''' # get dt from t_list dt = t_list[1] - t_list[0] # initialize y_list and ydot_list y_list = [ 0 for ele in t_list ] ydot_list = list( y_list ) # numerically solving for y and ydot for i in range( 1, len(t_list) ): dy = dt * ydot_list[i-1] dydot = dt * ( -ydot_list[i-1]*( R1/L + 1/(R2*C) ) \ + ( x_list[i-1] - ( 1 + R1/R2 )*y_list[i-1] )/(L*C) ) y_list[i] = y_list[i-1] + dy ydot_list[i] = ydot_list[i-1] + dydot return y_list def plot( y_list, t_list, dt, L, C, p_amp, p_duration ): ''' generate a plot for output pulse ''' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # width of output pulse in ns # fwhh is a custom function fwhh_ind = fwhh( y_list ) width = dt * fwhh( y_list ) * 1e9 # time in ns t_ns_list = [ ele*(1e9) for ele in t_list ] # name of the png file will include the C value and the L value # convert 0.033 nF to '0n033' etc L_str = [ ele for ele in str(round(float(L*1e6),4)) ] ind = L_str.index( '.' ) L_str[ind] = 'u' L_str = ''.join(L_str) C_str = [ ele for ele in str(round(float(C*1e9),4)) ] ind = C_str.index( '.' ) C_str[ind] = 'n' C_str = ''.join(C_str) # plot # time range of the plot is m times fwhh m = 5 plt.figure() if fwhh_ind != 0: plt.plot( t_ns_list[ :m*fwhh_ind ], \ [ ele*1e3 for ele in y_list ][ :m*fwhh_ind ], \ label = 'FWHH = %.2f ns' % width ) else: plt.plot( t_ns_list, [ ele*1e3 for ele in y_list ], \ label = 'FWHH = %.2f ns' % width ) plt.grid() plt.xlabel( 't [ns]' ) plt.ylabel( 'output [mV]' ) plt.legend() plt.title( 'Input = %.2f mV, width = %.2f ns, C = %sF, L = %sH' \ % ( p_amp*1e3, p_duration*1e9, C_str, L_str ) ) plt.savefig( 'C'+C_str+'_L'+L_str+'.png' ) plt.close() return None if __name__ == '__main__': main()