Subject: Re: Working on Linux From: Christoph Amelung Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2007 12:00:03 +0200 (CEST) To: Kevan Hashemi Dear Kevan, Linux's philosophy is: if you do not know how to access the USB stick, you are not worthy of accessing it ;-) It depends very much on your Linux version and even on the window manager that you use. On my office PC, when I plug in the USB stick, a subdirectory "USB_DISK" appears in the directory /media after a few seconds. I mount it using mount /media/USB_DISK and then I can access the files on the stick in the directory /media/USB_DISK. Depending on the stick, USB_DISK could as well be spelled usbdisk or anything similar. Alternatively, I can mount the stick by mount /dev/sda1 /mnt (check that a directory /mnt exists, if not, create it - you have to be superuser for this and for executing the mount command; sda1 stands for the first SCSI disk in your PC [USB sticks conventionally pretend to be SCSI disks]; on my private PC at home, for instance, the built-in harddisk is a SCSI disk, and thus the USB stick has to be accessed as sda2 instead). and then access the files in the directory /mnt. I have seen some window managers where - very much like on a Mac or under Windows - an icon appeared on the desktop or in the subdirectory of a desktop icon representing the USB stick. Since I do not use such window managers I cannot help you much with these... Cheers Christoph