# Set up the Thermometer Instrument to take three temperatures from # three thermometers. This script with the Acquisifier will do the # rest. acquisifier: name: Initialize post_processing: { set config(run_result) "[clock seconds] " set config(run_results) "~/Desktop/results.txt" LWDAQ_print $info(text) "Results will be stored in \"$config(run_results)\"." } config: end. default: instrument: Thermometer default_post_processing: { if {![LWDAQ_is_error_result $result]} { append config(run_result) " [lrange $result 1 3]" } { append config(run_result) " -100 -100 -100" } } config: end. acquire: name: Thermometer_1 instrument: Thermometer result: None time: 0 disable: 0 config: end. acquisifier: name: Finalize post_processing: { LWDAQ_print $config(run_results) $config(run_result) LWDAQ_print $info(text) "$config(run_result)" blue } config: end.